Dear Prospective Employer,
Thanks for being interested in me enough to want to know more. I appreciate that.
I don't think the things I blumble here on my blog or what I twittle about on the facespage are that pertinent to your decision to offer me a job or not, unless you are considering offering me a job in which my main task will be to have purposefully contrarian opinions about as many things as I have time and energy for.
For some reason, you are here, so I might as well take this opportunity to say the things that I would never say in a job interview.
If you want consistent measurable progress towards a well defined goal, you would be a crazy fool to hire me. If you hire me, you will spend long months wondering why you did, and you will have exploratory conversations with HR about putting a performance plan in place, and then there will be this six month period when I will do three things which will transform your business for good in ways you could never have imagined.
I have an enormously high opinion of myself, and of my opinion. I enjoy a good argument, and the people who can make me change my mind are my favorite kind of people. Sometimes it is only in the middle of a good argument that I can figure out why it is that I have this gut feeling that things need to be a certain way.
I like to think the things I am working on are a good idea, and sometimes it will take some arguing before I could honestly think that. If you don't put in that time, things are much less good.
I have a fanatical devotion to reality based decision making. One of my ancient catch phases is "Reality is a Good Thing". This phrase is meant to address the tendency to treat criticism of product or process as some sort of attack or distraction. This means that I will give voice to truths that some people would prefer that we didn't notice, because I think it is always better to start with the actual truth. This will be annoying an uncountable number of times.
You will find on reading the TwittlePages, that I am a Christian Person. I am not a Fox News Following Christian Person ( which may either be a relief or a disappointment ), but I am a Christian Person. It is all over my blog and my HeadBook because the task of being a Christian Person at this place in history is a mystery worth some long wrestling.
Anyway, thanks for caring. If you are a person or company that I liked when we spoke, I hope this has been helpful and has not frightened you away, but "Reality is a Good Thing", if you read this and don't want to hire me, I understand.