I was chatting with Christopher this weekend and we came up with this idea of perfect movies. These are not the best movies, or the deepest movies, or the most important movies. They are the movies that, after you have watched them 10 times, you still wouldn't change a single thing. I have always had a small secret list of these films and now I have decided that I want to share the list.
I like movies for many different reasons, and I admire the ambitious movie, as well, the one which dreams big but misses, either a little or a lot, and that list of movies which you admire for their courage, might be another interesting list. However, for now I am thinking of maybe of posting about one perfect movie per day, until I am out of perfect movies.
The one slightly embarassing thing about this list is that I tend to prefer watching fluffy movies which do not address to real issues of the day. Movies are totally an escape for me, and they can, while providing escape, also reflect on the broken world, but I took a spin at being a serious movie goer in my early 20s and decided that I could not do that to my soul. So my list of perfect movies contains many light and fluffy movies. I assure you, I am a deep and complex person who appreciates the paradox and pain of this world. I just don't want to see it on the movie screen.
What is perfect to me is not perfect to everyone. I know more than one movie on this list which, though I think they are perfect, make some other people want to scream in pain. I am also certain that the makers of the "perfect" films could point out many places where they didn't quite accomplish what they wanted to. I just like the idea of a "perfect little movie" as a class of films, and here we go!
I'm creating a category for this series, you can always check the list of articles by going straight to the category page. Keep watching the blog ( or the social media stream ) for the movies, the theory is, one post per day until I am done.
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